Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Spaghetti Bolognese

This dish is a common weekday meal in my home. It is easy to make, can be modified to what foods you have available, can be made and eaten later and can be frozen.

I add different ingredients to this dish every time I make it depending on who in my family will be eating and what ingredients need using up in the fridge. Before now I have even added baked beans, this did not go down well with anyone, nor did it when I added gravy  "it's supposed to be tomatoey" was the response.

I always loosely follow an old family cookbook to jog my memory on the main ingredients, the rest I make up as I go along.

Here is how I made this one...

1 - Fry 1 diced onion, 2 crushed garlic gloves and 2 bacon rashers in oil.
2 - Add mined beef to the pan and cook until brown.
3 - Finely chop 2 carrots, 2 celery sticks, half a pepper and add to the pan.
4- Add a good squirt of tomato puree, mixed herbs, vegetable stock, 350ml water, 1 tin of chopped tomatoes and mix well.
5 - Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 45-50minutes.

If anyone has any alternatives to preparing this dish let me know.